Sacred Art

Here, it seems to me, the artist draws best, more fully and with conviction, from his creative and expressive vein; here he gives substance to the resources of a technique that knows no hesitations and fears about the most different material and compositional solutions.
A breath of high inspiration passes through humble terracotta and linden wood, the bronze raises to unknown splendor and gives form to pain, maternal trepidation, prophetic fever, spirit of charity, and Christian joy. From low or high-relief to all-round sculpture, there is a linear continuity of intent and results, a uniform song in which tradition and modernity are combined.
Lucchi’s religious production qualifies itself by degrees as a sacred art in the historical sense of the term: sacred and sacralizing, revealing form of the divine and source of superior knowledge.

Critical text by Gustavo Cuccini


Chiesa di San Pio X – Cesena

Gruppo bronzeo Canonico Baronio


Gruppo bronzeo Madre Teresa di Calcutta

Gruppo bronzeo San Michele e il Diavolo


Madonna con Bambino


Padre Guglielmo Gattiani


Basilica di San Marino (RSM)

San Giovanni